No this isn't a 90's PC game. Up top we'll explain what's been going on with the show and tease a little bit of what's to come. After that, we just wanted to talk about The Witness! It's a puzzle game from 2016 about perspective, philosophy, and puzzles. At one point Matt said it was his favorite game of all time and we need find out if that's still the case before we reach 100 games on the list.
To see the most up to version of the list and this season's schedule, visit https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/194Zs7HY9o2y4dgOQLsQXT0Q0cBW_Q1WZzkwqG-ALqi0/edit?usp=sharing. THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS IF YOU ARE LISTENING TO OLDER EPISODES.
Music by nightcorey. https://soundcloud.com/nightcorey
Consider contributing to our show on Patreon. (https://www.patreon.com/oldgamersalmanac) Email us your thoughts on the ongoing list at oldgamersalmanac(at)gmail(dot)com. Or come talk to us on our Discord. (https://discord.gg/ASG2YpyfPx)