Another episode of the show featuring neither of the usual hosts! Matt and Hunter are nowhere to be found and instead we've got EJ and Alec aka "Root" sitting down to talk about the rougelike deck-building game, Slay the Spire! It's a big one folks.
Get the Summer Tour T-Shirt! https://www.spacecatspeaceturtles.com/shop/p/oga-summer-break-tour-shirt
Come to the OGA/SCPT Live show in Indianapolis: https://indianapolis.heliumcomedy.com/events/95653
To see the most up to version of The OGA 100, visit https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/194Zs7HY9o2y4dgOQLsQXT0Q0cBW_Q1WZzkwqG-ALqi0/edit?usp=sharing. THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS IF YOU ARE LISTENING TO OLDER EPISODES.
Music by nightcorey. https://soundcloud.com/nightcorey
Consider contributing to our show on Patreon. (https://www.patreon.com/oldgamersalmanac) Email us your thoughts on the ongoing list at oldgamersalmanac(at)gmail(dot)com. Or come talk to us on our Discord. (https://discord.gg/ASG2YpyfPx)