We near the end of our first 100 games so before we finish we have to talk about the first game that was ever Art. That's right, until 2005 no other video game was Art, but then a team at Sony made a follow up to their 2001 platformer and Roger Ebert let us know we'd finally done it. Shadow of the Colossus is hailed by many as the greatest game ever made and it's our turn to put our ever-important opinions into the mix.
To see the most up to version of the list and this season's schedule, visit https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/194Zs7HY9o2y4dgOQLsQXT0Q0cBW_Q1WZzkwqG-ALqi0/edit?usp=sharing. THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS IF YOU ARE LISTENING TO OLDER EPISODES.
Music by nightcorey. https://soundcloud.com/nightcorey
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