What is this? Linus Tech Tips? No, obviously not. We're far too stupid to give you an in depth product review. But we have been hanging out with new Analogue Pockets for just under two weeks and we wanted to talk about them. So that's what this episode is! Listen, the format of the show is whatever we want it to be and this week we wanted to talk about niche boutique electronics for old geezers.
To see the most up to version of the list and this season's schedule, visit https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/194Zs7HY9o2y4dgOQLsQXT0Q0cBW_Q1WZzkwqG-ALqi0/edit?usp=sharing. THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS IF YOU ARE LISTENING TO OLDER EPISODES.
Music by nightcorey. https://soundcloud.com/nightcorey
Consider contributing to our show on Patreon. (https://www.patreon.com/oldgamersalmanac) Email us your thoughts on the ongoing list at oldgamersalmanac(at)gmail(dot)com. Or come talk to us on our Discord. (https://discord.gg/ASG2YpyfPx)